Matching Funds to conduct collaborations with Japanese researchers
Bilateral Program
Through this program, JSPS supports joint research and seminars carried out via cooperation by researchers from Japan and other countries. Project proposals are solicited via the following two program formats.
Bilateral Joint Research Projects/Seminars with JSPS’s Counterpart Agencies (type A)
For countries where counterpart funding agencies have bilateral agreements with JSPS. Applicable country in the Nordic/Baltic region is Lithuania.
Counterpart institutions
Lithuania: Research Council of Lithuania (RCL)
Finland: Research Council of Finland (AKA)
Open Partnership Joint Research Projects/Seminars (type B)
For all countries that have diplomatic relations with Japan. The non-Japanese side obtains funding through any funding agency.
An additional scheme for joint seminars named "interuniversity cooperation" was launched in 2020 to support organizational initiatives carried out via university consortia and other collaborations among institutions.
For detailed information, please visit JSPS Tokyo's webpage.

Core-to-Core Program
Aimed at advancing research in cutting-edge and internationally important fields, the JSPS Core-to-Core Program (type A. Advanced Research Networks) supports collaborative research between core research and education institutes in Japan and at least two other countries. The non-Japanese counterparts need to secure matching funds at a level needed to reciprocally carry out the project.
For detailed information, please visit JSPS Tokyo's webpage.