Asuka Tachi
Karolinska Institutet, Visiting researcher

We asked Dr. Asuka Tachi, a visiting researcher at Karolinska Institutet, to share her experience of research in Sweden.
What are you currently researching in Sweden?
Basic research; Treatment for Irradiation induced brain injury and Hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy. Epidemiological research; Long term effect of perinatal term for child development.
How did you get interested in your research subject?
As an obstetrician and gynecologist, perinatal encephalopathy (cerebralpalsy) is a very familiar so I wanted to work on it. Also, I was very interested in what a long-term effect the perinatal period would have on my baby and mother, but in Japan we finally setup a unified database of perinatal-neonatal departments. I chose Sweden to conduct perinatal epidemiological studies using the Nordic strength of big data.
Why did you choose your current institution to conduct your research?
Sweden was the first country I traveled abroad with my own money in my University days. I visited a friend, a postdocin Karolinska, attended a meeting, and thought "I would like to study here someday". And I liked Pippi, so at Junibacken I thought, "I want to come with my child someday."
Finally, I decided to study in Sweden because my family would enjoy it.
What has been the most challenging in your research so far?
It's all about the whole family enjoyable. I enjoy studying and living with my family very much. My kids have many friends at school. However, my husband, came with my convenience, worked as researcher but missed clinical work. Finally he got the access to visit Hospital and then I felt relieved.
It is unusual for the whole family to have a clear purpose to live abroad, so I guess this issue would be common in every family.
Compared to Japan, what is your impression of the research environment in Sweden?
In Japan, I worked as a clinician in the day shift, and was on night duty once or twice in a week so I had little time to spend with my family. In Sweden, I just do the research I want to do, but also spend enjoyable time with our families. This is supported by not only my family, but my boss and colleagues.
Sweden is the best environment where I can have both what I want to do and time to spend with my family.
Do you have any advice for young scientists who dream of going to Sweden to do research?
When we look back on our life here, think of it as a good time for each other.
(July, 2020)
Academic background
2009 M.D., Nagoya University, School of Medicine
2009−2011 Resident, Toyohashi Municipal Hospital, Aichi, Japan
2011− 2013 Medical staff, Toyohashi Municipal Hospital, Aichi, Japan
2013−2015 Medical staff, Obstetrics and Gynecology department, Komaki Municipal Hospital, Aichi, Japan
2016−2019 Medical staff and Researcher, Obstetrics and Gynecology, Nagoya University, Aichi, Japan
2019− Visiting researcher, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden / Research student, Nagoya University Graduate School of Medicine